I find it super interesting that you can basically make anything out of this product. Its loose powdery shimmers can be used as eyeshadow, liner, bronzer, NAIL POLISH, LIP GLOSS, and even TEMPORARY HIGHLIGHTS. I find this extremely fascinating, because I never thought something so generic can be put in use in such fabulous ways.
Eyeshadow: you can use it wet or dry, wet for harsh shadow look. I find wetting the product looks better, then going on top with the same powder dry for a more exotic eye.
Eyeliner: wet an angle brush to a desired shadow powder color and use as eyeliner!
Lips: using a brush or your finger you can use the product by itself or with a clear gloss.
Bronzer: mix with lotion and apply it on your face as bronzer.
Nail polish: mix with clear nail polish for a fascinating color, you can even match your eye makeup to your nail polish, amazing.
Temporary hair highlights: Apply color on the root to the end of your hair and spray with hair spray to set the color.
These is just genius is all I have to say.