Sunday, November 22, 2009

Whats in your purse ?

Everyone knows a lady's purse is her weapon, whats in it makes the female on the outside. In this photo I have my glam tools, we'll start off with my Betsey Johnson Lipstick handbag. Everyone knows I switch up purses, but I have a feeling this is going to be my signature bag (bought yesterday)

In my purse I keep my beauty valuables. We'll start off with makeup! I am a makeup artist who feels naked with out make-up in her purse, so its a must to carry it with me. I have some MAC, Make Up For Ever, and Lancome products. Also, I have my Blackberry, itouch, and my Chanel wallet. We all know you can't be organized without a planner, its always been a must have in my purse. I never leave the house with out my sunglasses or my per-scripted Chanel glasses. I also carry my business cards with me, as well as hand-sanitizer for hygiene purposes. Speaking of hygiene I always try having a pack of gum or mints and perfume. A lady must always smell good ;)

Whats in your purse ?