Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lottie/ Lotstar

Lottie is an amazing makeup artist out in NYC. I've always noticed her work around the internet, I've even noticed her work in ads. Shes truly inspiring to me. The best part is, I might be working with her for Miami Fashion Week coming up in July! I got a hold of her and she referred me to a lady from Make Up For Ever in New York. I emailed them my resume and my makeup site. To work a show with Make Up For Ever, and have Lottie be the key artist to guide us is going to be phenomenal. Lotties worked on many projects and even worked shoots for Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Harper's Bizaar, and many more amazing magazines. Shes even worked for Zink magazine many times. Here are some of her work.. be sure to check out her website !