Today many girls count on mascara to lengthen and thicken their eyelashes. We do so much to our eyelashes like apply mascara, use an eyelash curler, or wear false lashes that damages the root of the eyelash. I get many questions on what helps repair them. SEPHORA comes straight to mind, they have the best products to help repair and strengthen your eyelashes!
Some of Sephoras eyelash repair products range from $18 to $125! Of course the most expensive one is one of the most fast acting products, "Peter Thomas Roth Lashes To Die For". I heard fabulous things about repairs lashes quickly.
Personally I use Talika Eyelash Lipocils, its a $40 eyelash conditioner. I apply it twice a day as recommended and definitely see results. Conditioning your eyelashes is just as important as putting on a daily moisturizer on your face!